A hidden life
Prongs aka James Potter
Interests: Quidditch, Marauding, and some other things not even the other Marauders know about.
About me: Everyone thinks they know me, but all they see is the jovial, fun-loving, carefree me. Even the Marauders have never seen my darker side. It's crouching in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to break free of its bonds and spring out into the open to launch its attack... an attack that would be lethal to all... especially me...
Wishlist: A normal life
At Platform 9 3/4 for the first timeJames Potter bolted through the pillar, into the gateway of Platform 9 & 3/4. His owl, Gavoidat, hooted loudly in alarm and fell off its perch. Although it had only been with its new owner for about a month, it was already sure that its owner was of the wrong sort. He was playful, noisy, rough and had no respect for the finer qualities of owls. James Potter's mornings were normally spent provoking Gavoidat and flicking soap pellets at it.
Gavoidat picked itself up, shook dust and dirt off his feathers and turned his beak up at his owner, returning to its perch. James suddenly felt his stomach contracting involuntarily. He desperately tried to will the feeling to go away, but it was no use. Hurriedly, James left his cart aside and ran his finger over the golden D on the smooth, green stone in his pocket.
As his wand hand closed round the stone, spots swam in his vision and he twisted around in silent agony. Then, blissful darkness swallowed him up.
When he came to, there was a putrid smell of burnt flesh and a dead full-grown newt in front of him. Exhaling slowly, he walked back to his cart, placing the stone back in his pocket.
3 Sympathies
Great potential! Develop the story well, Prongs!
Wow! I love your post! It's so original and interesting!
I adore the originality and ingenuity of your post. Though it's only ONE post, it's a great start and has a lot of potential for future development. I especially like how you portray the character of the lovely Prongsie~!